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your questions, answered about our ballet classes and retreats for all!
Can anyone attend The Ballet Retreat?The Ballet Retreat is open to anyone over the age of 18 who has a basic knowledge of Ballet. We are proud of our renowned inclusivity and unique atmosphere. We believe ballet is for everyone.
What should I wear?Clothing that you feel comfortable and confident in and allow you to move freely. Soft ballet shoes are required as socks cannot be used with the specialist dance flooring our venues provide.
Where does TBR take place?Our retreats take place at venues across Leeds and London - check out your specific retreat booking via My Bookings (sign-in required) for further info, or explore our retreats on offer here.
Who leads the retreats?We have various staff who are involved in the delivery of our retreats. You can find out more about them here. Most classes have two members of staff on-hand for help and assistance.
Where do I stay if I'm coming from afar?At present, none of our retreats are residential. We are more than happy to provide you with accomodation suggestions - just get in touch with us here.
I'd like to book a retreatOnline booking for our retreats is now available! We suggest creating a MyBalletRetreat account before you book, where you can manage all your bookings, orders and correspondence from one place: - Book a retreat - Join MyBalletRetreat If you have any problems or concerns, drop us a line here.
I want to view my bookings and/or orders from TBRYou can join as a member via our new members area on the website. From here, you can create a MyBalletRetreat profile, book and manage your upcoming retreats, order merchandise or get in touch with us! All you need is your email address. You can create a password quickly and easily using our new members sign up form.
What are the terms and conditions of my participation in a retreat or any element of this website?The Ballet Retreat and MyBalletRetreat are trademarks of The Ballet Retreat. Agreeing to become a member of MyBalletRetreat gives us full permission to process and store your information securely on file as per your agreement. We will never share this information with any other party and it is utilised for administrative purposes only. By booking one of our services you agree to our Class Conduct and Terms and Conditions The Ballet Retreat faculty are there to help you. If you have any questions, please ask. You should inform a member of the faculty of any injury or illness prior to the beginning of the class. Eating is not permitted in the studios at any time. Gum should not be chewed in the studios at any time. Water is permitted in the studios as long as it is in a bottle with a secure lid. No outdoor shoes or socks without grip are to be worn in the studios. Respectful and proper behaviour is expected during the duration of The Ballet Retreat. Please be supportive towards your fellow retreat dancers. Please sign in and out of the building in accordance with fire regulations and to help us look after all the retreat’s dancers with the upmost care. We want you to make the most out of your retreat experience so please remember that you have the freedom to choose how much you do or don’t do. If you get too tired feel free to quietly sit down and continue to observe the class. We think that it is important to remind our dancers that they always have a choice. At this stage in The Ballet Retreat’s development as a business we are unable to offer refunds for any cancellations. If you have to pull out due to injury, we will ask for a doctor’s note for proof and we will then try to find a replacement dancer from our waiting list, we will do our upmost but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to fill the original space. It may be a good option to take out insurance to make sure in circumstances where by injury or illness prevents your participation you are fully covered by your insurance provider. If you have any more questions just get in touch with us here.
What are your safeguarding policies?Client Expectations The Ballet Retreat would like to make all clients aware of a few expectations to support the well-being and safety of all participants and The Ballet Retreat Team. If you arrive late (no problem) please join in when you are ready with as little disturbance to the class as possible. Wear clothing that allows you to move and you feel confident and comfortable in. Please inform a member of the team of any injury or illness that you may be experiencing. It’s your Ballet Retreat so do as much or as little as you want! You are under no obligation to ‘push’ yourself but if you want too, we are here to support you. You are the expert on your body, please listen it your body and mind and respect what you are hearing! Treat all fellow dancers and the team with respect and courtesy. Please respect the flow of the class and the team delivering it. All The Ballet Retreat staff are industry experts and experienced in guiding clients fully and safely through all the classes we offer. They are aiming to offer all the individuals in the space the highest level of service and facilitate everyone getting the most out of their Retreat experience. If something doesn’t feel right, please let a member of the team know. We are conscious that what is OK for some may not suit others and the best way to make change and adapt is to be made aware of any situation that may be triggering, no matter how small. Facilitator Expectations The Ballet Retreat team will start and finish classes on time Prepare the content of the class with care and consideration, drawing on their professional experience and understanding to deliver a top quality session, full of energy, enthusiasm and positivity. The Ballet Retreat Team will treat all clients equally with respect and care and encourage all the clients in the class. The team will use humour with care to avoid clients being offended through miscommunication. The Team will maintain only professional relationships with clients.
What is Tactile cueing?Our safe touch policy explains tactile cueing and use of touch in our classes. The word ‘tactile’ is defined as experience or sensations received or felt by touch. Using touch or tactile cueing is one of the most powerful teaching tools for dance, Pilates and lots of movement based practice. Tactile cueing helps our dance clients find the best alignment possible to get the most out of the step and movement. Tactile cueing increases proprioception and improves dance client’s awareness of their body and their natural architecture. The Ballet Retreat team may use tactile cueing with a dancer, in the studio during class. They will always ask before placing any touch on the dancer (for example ‘may I? or ‘Do you mind?) It is encouraged that if touch doesn’t feel warranted for the individual that day that they should simple reply ‘no’. The correction or suggestion will then be demonstrated with the teacher cueing themselves to illustrate the required effect. We want touch to be a part of our teaching and learning at The Ballet Retreat because we know first-hand how effective and powerful this can be but we acknowledge that touch can be triggering for some individuals for many reasons. We can all appreciate that some days we just don’t want to be touched! and that's ok!!!
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